Friday, November 26, 2010

The culture still feel uncertain

                I have been in Canada for more than 2 years. However, I still have many things makes feel uncertain. For example, in china, our culture is about that we use chopsticks to share all the food on the table. In contrast, the culture in Canada is about we have our own tableware, but we have to pick up food use public tableware no matter how size are the food. Someone told me this culture is western people want clean food without other’s slaver. Eventually I figure out that western people like completely clean food. Another is about female’s age. In china, it is not rude to ask a girl age or probably it is ok. In western culture, asking a woman’s age or asking man’s bill in not in manner. I think it is about the right of privacy of all the people living in western culture. I am trying to get used to do in this way too.  

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