Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Effect coming to Canada had on me

Since I have come to Canada, there are many changes. I’m sure that Canada changed me a lot. When I was in China, I was a really shy boy; however, after I came to Canada, I became more and more outgoing. In my opinion, it was because of the different education. Chinese education is very strict. We did not discuss very much in the class. On the contrast, Canadian teachers encourage student’s talk more in the class instead listen to the teacher for everything. In China, I have to learn many things in the class and do much homework after class which was a big pressure for me. On the other hand, the Canadian class does not have full of knowledge everyday, but I need to think and create a lot just by myself. For these differences, Canada changed my personality.

1 comment:

  1. Yup..i agree with you. Communication is very important for them... I was also very shy in China, and now I'm still shy. loool
