Sunday, December 5, 2010

My ambition

I am thinking about how to become a responsible man this period.
I want to be a useful man for my family and the people I loved.
I want to do exactly what I have been planned.
 I need to make thinking and get familiar to what I need to do.
I have to be optimist and confidence all the time.  
I ambition is to be a man do what I have promise to others.
I hope that would not too late I start to strive for the things I interested in.
I really change the way and change the thinking style what I did before.
That is so different like I am a growing boy before.
Now, I figure out the way what should I put effort on.
I have my aims and I ready to put it into practice.
I trust I can be succeed.

My wish

I have one big wish right now.
I want to pass the 360 and finally I can get in to some academic courses later.
I plan to take some courses like marketing and business.
I want to be a businessman later and I want to build my confidence by my effort.
Then, I can pass academic courses and get graduation.
            This is my deeply with and I really cannot take my mother down anymore.
            I have to pass and get my career that is very stressful life.
            I think I have changed some of my thinking about how to strive to study.
            The destiny will be in my hands.


Skyline is a movie about what aliens attack human being by magic blue light.
This movie made disaster plot, nice pictures.
I think this movie is good in pictures and actors and actress are very good.
However, I am really unhappy with the plot.
The end of story is just like tell audience another start.
In all process of movie, human being just can escape and run away.
I prefer the movie what victims can find a way to defeat intruder.
That will be wonderful for pay back for alien.
I don’t want see human being just ran and ran. Finally, they became the servants of aliens.
Sad ending with skyline.

Burnaby Mountain

Burnaby Mountain has very nice show of whole Vancouver city.
I took some picture, but my camera didn’t work so well with the pictures.
I really like climb up the mountain to see the wonderful view.
Burnaby Mountain has a west style restaurant.
I am going to try once later.
I also had gone to Burnaby Mountain to see the sunrise.
However, I slept over time before.
I recommend some couples can enjoy the romantic atmosphere in Burnaby Mountain.

First time use Blog

First time writing blog is a big challenge for me.
I like to show my wonderful life with my friends by talking.
Now I use blog to show some pictures that my friends can comment on my wonderful experience.
I guess quite like this method in the future because I like to make some memorize of picture.
I just need get familiar how to use blog to show my life with my friends.  

My cousin's birthday party

My cousin’s birthday has held in one famous hotel in Vancouver.
However, the food is not as good as I think at first.
-         Soup are too salty
-         Steak are too big to eat all of it
My cousin is 11 years old birthday and she had invited her 3 classmates.
We sat on the big table chatted a lot about our study condition.
Also, we had very delicious Ice-cream cake from DQ.
My cousin name is Kitty Shao and she is very cute girl.
She was so happy because she received many gifts from all of family members.
Happy Birthday, my lovely cousin Kitty. ^^

Christmas are coming

I want to go snowboarding with my friends during the Christmas time. I plan to go Grouse Mountain to have snowboarding because I had a wonderful experience last year. I have my whole equipment in my aunt house and that will be the first time using them. Also, this winter will be super cold, that is a good idea that I go to hot spring with my family. There are very quality hotels around the lake. There also are very wonderful sights of view. The most attractive point is enjoy the hot spring will be the beat enjoyment in cold weather. Finally, I think I can’t miss the Boxing Day that I almost did not buy any cloth during the year. I will enjoy shopping by many discount things.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The best trip I have been is Hong Kong. When I was 17 years old, my mother, my
aunt, my grandmother, and my cousins with me went to Hong Kong for vacation.
Hong Kong I a fantastic city with contain lighting buildings, large shopping malls and
Disney Park. I have gone shopping with my aunt and my mother’ however, they let
me take at least 8 bags in my hands and arms. But luckily, they also brought me
something for carrying bags for them. The most excited moment for me is play in the
Disney land. It not only gets interesting and attractive machines. I really like the toys
and any thing which have cartoon characters in them. I brought a lot of things in the
Disney land because that is my best memorize about travelling in Hong Kong.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The culture still feel uncertain

                I have been in Canada for more than 2 years. However, I still have many things makes feel uncertain. For example, in china, our culture is about that we use chopsticks to share all the food on the table. In contrast, the culture in Canada is about we have our own tableware, but we have to pick up food use public tableware no matter how size are the food. Someone told me this culture is western people want clean food without other’s slaver. Eventually I figure out that western people like completely clean food. Another is about female’s age. In china, it is not rude to ask a girl age or probably it is ok. In western culture, asking a woman’s age or asking man’s bill in not in manner. I think it is about the right of privacy of all the people living in western culture. I am trying to get used to do in this way too.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Effect coming to Canada had on me

Since I have come to Canada, there are many changes. I’m sure that Canada changed me a lot. When I was in China, I was a really shy boy; however, after I came to Canada, I became more and more outgoing. In my opinion, it was because of the different education. Chinese education is very strict. We did not discuss very much in the class. On the contrast, Canadian teachers encourage student’s talk more in the class instead listen to the teacher for everything. In China, I have to learn many things in the class and do much homework after class which was a big pressure for me. On the other hand, the Canadian class does not have full of knowledge everyday, but I need to think and create a lot just by myself. For these differences, Canada changed my personality.


I went to PNE the Halloween night. In PNE, I spent a wonderful time with my family. Although that night was raining, I still had lots of fun. It was so funny that many people dressed in Halloween uniform, also my sisters. When we went to the ghost house, one of the ghosts wanted to shock my sister; however, my sister was so afraid of him so that she wanted to escape. As a result, the ghost was running follow her. After 10 o'clock, we left PNE and had something to eat. In PNE, I felt I was still a kid! That feeling was amazing. PNE is always my favorite.

My Study habit in Shanghai and Vancouver

 It is very different of my study style between shanghai and Vancouver. In shanghai, I have to get up at six thirteen every morning in week day. I am staying at campus from Monday to Friday. Every morning after I get up and prepare, I have to running 1200 metres with other students who are staying at campus. Later, I have 8 classes per day and one habit class. I choose ping pang as my subject, so I am quite good at playing ping pang. Then, I have 3 classes at night to accomplish homework and studying by my own. Usually, at night, my roommates and I chat a lot and we have a lot of fun at night. For contrast, my life in Vancouver is totally different. Whenever the class’s schedules are, I usually play the basketball with my friends to make healthier life. When I first came to Canada, I have class at morning at 8 o’clock, so I have to still get up at six thirteen. I need to spend about 1 hour at public transportation from home to school. I have totally different life style between shanghai and Vancouver.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Dear Friends

    I have been in Vancouver over 2 years. I met many friends all over my life. Most of my friends are my classmates; however, we usually have the wonderful conversation or activities outside. I make friends separate to 3 parts. One is Great Friends, there are the one most understand me and give me advises when I was upset. They usually accept all of my invitation and we hang out a lot. Another kind well knows friends; some of them are my great friends before. Because we have some time lag problem or it is hard to connect by phone. Nevertheless, we still connect and good with to each other when the impotent days during the years. Last type is my say "HI" friends. When we meet each other, we say "HI" and chat a little bit. Sometimes we play basketball for outside together because he/she is my and great friends common friend. These three types of friends give my life wonderful time and I have a lot of great memorize share with them. Wish my friends good luck!